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    Test my broadband speed

    Follow our steps to run a quick or advanced broadband speed test and get the best results.

    Updated 23 February 2024

    How to run a broadband speed test

    Our broadband speed test is provided by BT Wholesale. It shows you the speed of your line or connection so you can check you’re getting your Minimum Guaranteed Speed. It also gives us all the data we'll need if you ever need to get in touch about a fault.

    Before you get started it’s really important you follow each step below. Clicking 'Go to speed test' will then take you to a new page where you can start to run your tests.

    New customer? Just so you know, it may take 10 days for your connection to settle. Then your service should adjust to the speed estimates provided in your welcome email.

    Steps to get the best broadband speed results

    Step 1

    Run the test from a laptop or computer and close all windows and tabs you’ve got open.

    Step 2

    Turn off your firewall and antivirus software (turn them back on when you’ve run the test).

    Step 3

    Switch off the WiFi and other devices connected to your router. Connect your computer to your router using an Ethernet cable.

    Step 4

    You’ll need to run three tests in one day and make a note of your results each time.

    Go to speed test

    What your broadband speed test results mean

    You can run quick and advanced tests. Our guides below show you how to do this and what the results mean.

    Quick speed test

    When the quick test is done, you'll be shown your ping, download and upload speeds. They’ll look something like this example:

    We'll need you to do the test three times in one day. You should do one of these between midnight and 4pm. Make a note of the results each time.

    What do the results tell you?

    Ping This tests the round trip time between your Plusnet Hub and the speed test server. It measures the time in milliseconds (ms).

    Download and upload speeds

    Depending on the type of package you’ve got you’ll have a range of download and upload speeds.
    Faster download speeds of 25Mbs can support more online activity such as gaming and streaming on multiple devices at the same time.
    Your speed results are shown in megabits per second (Mbps)
    The higher the numbers, the faster your speeds are.

    Minimum Guaranteed Speed

    Don’t forget, when you signed up with us you’ll have received an estimate of what your Minimum Guaranteed Speed (MGS) should be. You’ll need to compare your speed test results against your MGS. If we can’t match this speed, then please get in touch with your results and we’ll do our best to fix it.

    Advanced speed test

    If you’ve got a new Fibre package without a phone line, you’ll need to add your Broadband Service ID (BBEU for short). You’ll find this in your manage account page and it will look like this e.g BBEU00000000

    1. Follow the steps above. Then go to
    2. When you're ready, select 'GO' to run the basic speed test
    3. Once the basic speed test is complete, click 'Additional Diagnostic'
    1. You’ll be presented with this screen. If you have a landline, click 'Telephone Number (DN)' to enter your home telephone number to help do a more in-depth test on your line. If you have a Full Fibre or Fibre package without a phone line. click 'Broadband Service ID' and add the full details e.g. BBEU00000000
    1. After the test has run, the results breakdown will be displayed. It will look like this:

    What do the advanced results tell you?

    As well as your broadband’s download and upload speeds, the results also show the acceptable range of speeds for your connection. 

    The IP Profile shows the maximum speed and stability your connection is capable of.

    In the example above, both download and upload speeds fall within the limits of the IP profile, so no performance problems were found.

    Minimum Guaranteed Speed
    When you signed up with us you’ll have received an estimate of what your Minimum Guaranteed Speed (MGS) should be. You’ll need to compare your speed test results against your MGS. If we can’t match this speed, then please get in touch with your results and we’ll do our best to fix it.

    Still got an issue?
    If you've run the test three times and you're still having issues with your broadband speed, let us know by reporting a problem.

    Need more help?

    Having issues with your connection? Text us

    If you need help with your broadband service, text HELP to 07800008121 (charges may apply at your standard rate)

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