Changing your broadband, home phone or other services
Find out how to change your products and services.
Product change information
You can make changes to your package by going to Offers and Upgrades in the My Account or by contacting us.
Certain products can be added or changed straight away. However, some changes can only take place on your next billing date after you request a change is made. We'll always aim to tell you when a particular change can be made.
Sometimes there may be a charge payable so we can carry out a product change. Any one-off charges in respect of a product change will need to be made by credit or debit card at the time of the product change. If you pay your subscription charges by Direct Debit, your card details will only be used for any one-off payments (unless you opt to change to pay your subscription in this way going forward).
Once your product change has been completed you'll have to pay all the appropriate charges applicable to that product. Also any early termination charges will be recalculated based on the cost of the new product and the remaining period of the current contract. All charges can be found in our Price Guide (for residential customers) or our Charges Schedule (for business customers).
Rules for current products (Unlimited, Unlimited Fibre and Unlimited Fibre Extra)
If you want to upgrade from standard broadband to fibre broadband you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term). When moving from standard broadband to fibre broadband, an installation charge may be payable as set out in our Price Guide. You'll also need a different router which we'll normally provide for free (but you'll have to pay for any postage & packing as set out in our Price Guide).
Switching between our fibre broadband products won't change the length of your contract (i.e. you won't have to agree to any additional minimum contract term) and no administration charges apply.
Once your product change has been completed you'll have to pay all the appropriate charges applicable to the new product (e.g. your subscription charges and any early termination charges will be recalculated based on the cost of the new product).
Rules for legacy products (no longer sold)
With a minimum term contract
Switching to a new broadband product won't change the length of the contract (i.e. you won't have to agree to any additional minimum contract term) and no administration charges apply.
If you want to upgrade to fibre broadband you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term) and an installation charge may be payable as set out in our Price Guide. You'll also need a different router which we'll normally provide for free (but you'll have to pay for any postage & packing as set out in our Price Guide).
Once your product change has been completed you'll have to pay all the appropriate charges applicable to the new product (e.g. your subscription charges and any early termination charges will be recalculated based on the cost of the new product).
Without a minimum term contract
If you switch to any current standard broadband product you can choose whether or not to start a new contract (and agree a new minimum term).
If you want to upgrade to fibre broadband you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term) and an installation charge may be payable as set out in our Price Guide. You'll also need a different router which we'll normally provide for free (but you'll have to pay for any postage & packing as set out in our Price Guide).
Once your product change has been completed you'll have to pay all the appropriate charges applicable to the new product (e.g. your subscription charges and any early termination charges will be recalculated based on the cost of the new product).
Changing between products of the same broadband type
What happens to your contract term depends on your contract type as follows:
- Rolling monthly contract: You can choose to take a fixed term contract (with at least a 12 month minimum term) or remain on a rolling monthly contract
- 12 month contracts: You can choose to keep your current fixed term or start a new contract with a 24 month minimum term
- 24 month contracts: You can change products without affecting your current fixed term
Changing from standard broadband to fibre broadband
If you want to upgrade from broadband to fibre broadband you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term of normally 12 months or 24 months).
An installation charge may be payable as set out in our Charges Schedule and you'll need a different router which we'll normally provide for free (but you'll have to pay for any postage & packing as set out in our Charges Schedule).
It is not possible to take a combination of business and residential products via the same account (e.g. you can't take a business home phone package with a residential broadband package).
Upgrades to business products from residential products
An upgrade from a residential account to a business account can only be carried out by contacting us.
Business products are designed for use by genuine businesses, or by customers who are using their broadband connection to trade or for more than just occasional home working.
An upgrade from a residential account to a business account is processed free of any administration charges.
Downgrades to residential products from business products
A downgrade to a residential account can only be carried out by contacting us.
Residential products are not permitted for use by businesses, or by customers using their broadband connection to trade or for more than just occasional home working.
Any hosting, email or other ancillary services provided with residential accounts cannot be used to host business websites.
There is no specific charge for changing product, but customers must pay all subscription fees up to the end of their existing business contract.
Adding phone to an existing broadband package - Rules for current broadband products
With a minimum term contract
Adding home phone will mean you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term).
Without a minimum term contract
You can choose whether to start a new contract.
Note: Adding Plusnet Phone to an existing broadband only package taken on or after 18th June 2013 may reduce your broadband subscription charges.
Adding phone to an existing broadband package - Rules for legacy broadband products (no longer sold)
Adding home phone may mean you'll have to enter into a new contract (and agree a new minimum term).
Only current call plans can be chosen.
See our Broadband product archive for more information on legacy products.
Switching between call plans
Any change to your call plan will be scheduled to take place on your next billing date.
There is no charge to change between call plans.
If you're under contract you are able to switch between call plans without affecting the length of your contract. If you want to remove a call plan this can only take place on your next billing date after your request for call plan is received.

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