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    Terms and conditions for Plusnet residential services

    Terms and conditions for all the services we provide to residential customers.

    If you're a Plusnet Mobile customer, please see the Plusnet Mobile Terms and Conditions.

    If you're a business customer, see our Business Terms and Conditions.

    If you're a Plusnet Mobile customer, please see the Plusnet Mobile Terms and Conditions.

    If you're a business customer, see our Business Terms and Conditions.

    These terms apply to all customers with effect from 1st June 2022 until 11th July 2024. If you signed up after 11th July 2024 please see our Terms and Conditions for Plusnet Residential Services

    We've made a promise to be a straight talking provider and avoid annoying legal jargon. We appreciate that these legal bits are boring, and that you want to be using our great services as soon as possible, so we've provided a handy summary of our terms.


    In the same way as you won't understand a book from reading just the contents page this summary doesn't set out all our terms, so we'd really like you to read them all. If you find this handy summary says one thing and the terms another, what the terms say is what we've agreed upon.

    1. What we provide

    We provide the service(s) that you have asked us to provide.

    All our services are subject to our Standard Terms and the Price Guide. Package Terms may also apply if you take more than one of the above services.

    In addition, each service has its own set of Service Terms:

    If you're taking one of our great offers then the relevant Offer Terms will also apply. Details of these will be provided before you receive the service(s).

    So to sum up: the Standard Terms (for everyone) + Service Terms (for each service you're taking) + Package Terms (if you take more than one service) + Offer Terms (where applicable) + Price Guide = your very own Terms & Conditions from Plusnet.

    Please note that references to paragraphs in this summary are to the paragraphs in the Standard Terms unless otherwise stated.

    2. Payment

    Sorry but we can't provide our services for free. Unless any Offer Terms apply what we'll charge you is set out in the Price Guide.

    Subject to the below paragraph, we will increase the price of broadband, line rental, call plans and call charges by a percentage comprising of i) the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation plus ii) 3.9%. We will do this so the price increase takes effect on or after 1st March each year from March 2022.

    If you were previously on a fixed price contract, from the end of your minimum term:

    • If your fixed price contract minimum term ends before 30th June 2021 your broadband and/or line rental monthly price will increase to the out of contract price set out in our Price Guide at that time; or
    • If your fixed price contract minimum term ends on or after 30th June 2021 your broadband and/or line rental monthly price and the price of any call plan you may have will increase to the out of contract price set out in our Price Guide at that time 

    Also, if you were previously on a fixed price contract, the price of broadband, line rental, call plans and call charges will be subject to the price rises detailed in the above paragraph from the end of your minimum term.

    Our CPI Plus 3.9% Guide has more information and an example of how it'll work. We may change the price of broadband, line rental, call plans, call charges and any other charges at any time. Read paragraph 18 of our Standard Terms for more information.

    We will increase international calling charges where our partners increase the cost to us. See paragraph 18.10 for details on how this will happen and your right to cancel if we do so.

    Paragraphs 5 and 6 of our Standard Terms provide more details on payment.

    3. Cancellation period

    If you change your mind about our services within 14 days of signing up you can, in most cases, cancel our agreement. You'll only have to pay for the services you have used and return any equipment. Paragraph 9 of our Standard Terms sets out the details on how to do this. Please note this doesn't apply to Plusnet Protect.

    4. Leaving us (or us leaving you)

    We don't want you to leave, but paragraph 15 of our Standard Terms sets out how you can do this if you really want to.

    If you don't cancel within the 14 day cancellation period, but want to leave in your minimum term, then early termination charges may apply.

    We don't normally do this but we may have to stop or suspend providing your services as set out in paragraph 16 of our Standard Terms.

    We will loan you the Hub/router for the duration of your broadband the service. When you leave you must return the loaned Hub/router to us, or we will charge you a fee as set in the Price Guide.

    5. Your responsibility to us

    We want you to roam the Internet freely and enjoy our services. To ensure our services operate within the law we do need you to follow certain rules when using our services as set out in paragraph 2 of our Standard Terms and the relevant provisions of the Service Terms.

    6. Our responsibility to you

    We take responsibility for providing you with quality services and equipment. However, there are certain circumstances in which this responsibility to you is limited or excluded as set out in paragraph 12 of our Standard Terms and the relevant provisions of the Service Terms. These are important paragraphs and we really recommend you read them in full.

    7. Changes we can make

    We know you don't want to read them again but we'll sometimes need to change these terms, the services or our prices. We'll normally let you know when we do this (see paragraph 18 of our Standard Terms). In some situations you may be able to end our agreement without charge and paragraph 18 explains when.

    8. Your information

    We take how we use your information very seriously. Details on the information we collect to provide our services and how we use it are set out in our Privacy Policy.

    Other useful documents

    We've tried to keep these terms as short as possible, but equally we don't want to keep you in the dark as to how we'll provide you with our services. We've produced the following guides and policies that may help if your queries aren't covered by these terms:

    Although we'll follow these guides and policies in most cases we ask you to appreciate the world is an ever changing beast so we might not always be able to meet the standards in these guides and policies and, unlike the terms, these guides and policies aren't part of our agreement.

    The Full Monty

    Our full terms and conditions are set out below, and are made up of different sections.

    The Standard Terms apply to everyone and then each service has its own set of Service Terms, so you can just look at the ones that are relevant to you.

    If you take more than one service, the Package Terms may also apply. If you're taking one of our great offers, some extra Offer Terms will apply (as our offers change we'll tell you about these separately).

    1. What we provide

    1.1. We'll provide you with your chosen service, content and any equipment we agree to provide. The Price Guide and following terms shall apply:

    1.1.1. these Standard Terms;

    1.1.2. the relevant Service Terms; and

    1.1.3. any Offer Terms (if applicable when you signed up).

    1.2. Where you take more than one service the Package Terms may also apply.

    2. Your use of the services

    2.1. You must:

    2.1.1. provide access to your property or a neighbouring property where this is necessary for us to provide the services;

    2.1.2. look after any equipment we provide (for example replacing batteries and ensuring it doesn't get eaten by the dog);

    2.1.3. use the services for personal use in the UK (so don't use the services to run your own business, but a couple of work emails or occasional home working are okay) and in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy;

    2.1.4. not copy, change or publish any material we produced or own (normally marked with a ©) or use it for any business purpose;

    2.1.5. only connect safe equipment to our network that won't harm it or our other customers' equipment;

    2.1.6. keep all passwords secure and confidential, and not make them available to other people; and

    2.1.7. agree that we have the right to modify any digital content we provide (for example to update the software in your router). Modifications will be of the same quality and description.

    3. Our provision of the services

    3.1. To protect our network and to provide a quality service, we may have to restrict your use of our services or equipment where:

    3.1.1. it may have a harmful effect on the experience of other users (for instance if you're sending spam messages or hosting a commercial website);

    3.1.2. your equipment has been infected by computer viruses; or

    3.1.3. it's necessary to stop the spread of any virus within either your equipment or our network.

    3.2. To make changes to technical specifications we may have to interrupt the service(s) but we'll restore it as quickly as we can.

    4. When our agreement, the service and the minimum term starts

    4.1. Our agreement starts when we accept your order (normally by sending you an email).

    4.2. The relevant Service Terms, Package Terms or Offer Terms set out when the service and any minimum term commences. We'll let you know the length of your minimum term when you sign up and/or we accept your order.

    5. Paying for the services

    5.1. For most of our services we'll charge you a standard monthly fee (what we call a subscription charge). In some cases additional fees linked to how much you use the service, such as the number of calls you make (what we call usage charges) also apply. You'll also have to pay any additional charges detailed in these terms, the relevant Offer Terms or the Price Guide that may become due.

    5.2. We'll normally bill you monthly in advance for any subscription charges. For usage charges we'll try to bill you at the end of the month in which you used the relevant service (but sometimes there may be a delay from the point you used the service before we add usage charges to your bill).

    5.3. We won't charge you for the period after you've signed-up but before you're service is up and running (but we may take payment for your first month's service when you sign up with us, in advance of your service being up and running).

    5.4. You may see your bills within your online account and we'll email you when a new bill is available to view. You must pay the bill as soon as you receive the email that your bill is available. Payment must be made by Direct Debit or debit or credit card (with the exception of American Express and corporate cards), unless we advise you otherwise.

    5.5. As our services are only for personal use in the UK, we do not provide VAT invoices.

    6. If you fail to pay

    6.1. If you don't pay your bill, we'll remind you (for example by calling or interrupting your broadband service). If we still don't receive payment we may:

    6.1.1. add a late payment charge as set out in the Price Guide to your bill (but normally only if we don't receive payment within 10 days of our reminder);

    6.1.2. suspend providing the service or end our agreement. We normally won't do this until 14 days after your bill was available to view (please note paragraph 16.3 may apply); or

    6.1.3. as a last resort, ask a debt-collection agency to collect the payment on our behalf. If we do, you'll also have to pay the reasonable costs we have to pay the agency, which the agency will add to your debt on our behalf.

    6.2. For further details on steps we might take under paragraph 6.1, see our Billing Guide.

    6.3. If any payment method fails we may add a failed payment charge as set out in the Price Guide to your next bill.

    6.4. The charges set out in this paragraph 6 are not subject to VAT.

    6.5. For further details on our failed payment process see Failed Payments

    7. Credit threshold

    7.1. We set a credit threshold on your usage charges.

    7.2. We'll only calculate your usage charges every 24 hours, so you may go over your credit threshold due to your usage in this 24 hour period and you'll still have to pay for all usage charges incurred in this period. See our Credit Threshold and Top-ups Guide for more information.

    8. Engineer visits

    8.1. We'll agree an estimated appointment date for engineer visits and will contact you a minimum of two working days in advance if this changes. You can change or cancel any appointment date but you must give us at least two working days' notice.

    8.2. We may charge you, as set out in the Price Guide, for any engineer visit if:

    8.2.1. you provide an incorrect address;

    8.2.2. entry is refused to the premises, or access cannot be gained by the engineer;

    8.2.3. we agreed with you that the premises had to meet certain requirements so we could carry out the work, and it doesn't meet these requirements;

    8.2.4. you report a fault, an engineer attends your premises and discovers the fault was not due to our services or equipment or, the reported fault was not present;

    8.2.5. there is no responsible adult present who is authorised by you to make decisions or answer questions necessary to fix the faults;

    8.2.6. when you cancel a request for an engineering visit later than two working days' before the appointment date;

    8.2.7. if we could have fixed the issue without sending an engineer if you'd had the ability to connect to the router with wired (Ethernet) connection; or

    8.2.8. an engineer arrives at the premises to carry out the work you requested, but you no longer wish the work to be carried out.

    8.3. If you are purchasing full fibre (also known as FTTP or fibre to the premise) please be advised that the installation process is more extensive than for our standard fibre products and work may need to be carried out such as drilling holes in the walls of your property, or running a cable underground to your property. This may mean alterations to your garden or driveway, for example. We may also need to move obstructions like tree branches to install the line at your premises.

    9. Cancellation period

    9.1. Unless our Service Terms say otherwise, we provide you with a 14 calendar day cancellation period which starts:

    9.1.1. for services, on the day after we accepted your order; or

    9.1.2. for any equipment, on the day after we delivered it.

    9.2. If you cancel any services within this cancellation period you must:

    9.2.1. pay for any services received up to the date that you told us you wanted to cancel;

    9.2.2. pay any installation, connection or activation charges associated with that service (including the full cost of charges that were discounted or advertised as free as a condition of taking services on the terms that you agreed); and

    9.2.3. return any equipment we have provided as set out in paragraph 9.5 below.

    9.3. If you just ordered equipment and cancel within the cancellation period, paragraph 9.2 doesn't apply but you must return any equipment to us as set out in paragraph 9.5 below.

    9.4. If the service you signed-up for is a product change, a re-contract or add-on, upon cancelling the service we may move you back to your previous agreement if your previous product remains available, or the closest matching service.

    9.5. Where you cancel as set out in paragraphs 9.2 and 9.3 above and are required to return any equipment to us:

    9.5.1. you must return the equipment to us (undamaged and in its original packaging) within 14 days of telling us you want to cancel, at your own cost; and

    9.5.2. we'll refund anything you have paid for the equipment less an appropriate amount (up to the full value of the refund) where the equipment is damaged or has been used more than necessary to check it.

    9.6. If you don't return the equipment within 14 days of cancelling you'll have to pay the full price of the equipment. If you subsequently return the equipment to us, we'll waive or return what you have been charged for the equipment.

    9.7. Where you give notice to cancel within 48 hours of your service(s) activating, we are unable to stop the order for your service(s) progressing, and so will not be able to cancel your service(s) until they are activated. You will have to pay for any installation and/ or activation charges incurred.

    9.8 These rights are in addition to any other legal rights you may have to cancel our agreement.

    10. Returning faulty equipment

    10.1. You must return any item of equipment that either:

    10.1.1. you report to us as faulty;

    10.1.2. we tell you is faulty; or

    10.1.3. requires replacement for technical reasons.

    10.2. Even if we replace equipment before you return it, you must still return the item (we'll provide a returns bag so you can do this free of charge). If you return any equipment because you believe it to be faulty, we may test it and if it's working, we may send it back to you and charge you our costs for testing and postage.

    10.3. If within 30 days of us replacing equipment you have not returned the faulty equipment, we may either:

    10.3.1. suspend or restrict access to any service that we provide to you until the relevant equipment is returned; or

    10.3.2. seek to recover our costs in respect of that equipment from you.

    10.4. All our equipment will conform to the terms of our agreement, be as described and work for a reasonable period of time if you look after it.

    11. Equipment

    11.1. We'll use reasonable care to stop any digital content we provide damaging your equipment or causing a loss of your data or content, but we can't be responsible for any such damage:

    11.1.1. where you don't follow our instructions when using, downloading or installing the digital content;

    11.1.2. where you don't use the digital content as we told you to;

    11.1.3. due to configurations on your device or potential compatibility issues which we couldn't expect to know about;

    11.1.4. due to the nature of the Internet and you failing to have protection against viruses;

    11.1.5. due to defects in third party content or acts we couldn't be reasonably be aware of; or

    11.1.6. due to things outside our reasonable control.

    11.2. If we are responsible for such damage, any compensation will be limited to the cost of replacing the device.

    11.3. We will loan you the Hub/router for the duration of your broadband the service. When you end the service you must return the loaned Hub/router to us, or we will charge you a fee as set in the Price Guide. You must also keep the Hub/router in good condition while you are using it.

    12. Our responsibility to you

    12.1. If something goes wrong we'll always look to put things right but, except as set out in paragraph 12.3, we'll never be responsible for:

    12.1.1. financial loss;

    12.1.2. information that is lost or corrupted (unless this is due to digital content we provide);

    12.1.3. losses that you may suffer if you have used the service or equipment we provide for business purposes (for example due to not being able to carrying out remote working or being able to run a home business);

    12.1.4. any loss that was not foreseeable to you or us when we entered into our agreement;

    12.1.5. losses caused by your breach of our agreement.

    12.1.6 any loss incurred where, through no fault on our part, we are unable to carry out any necessary work on your premises (for example where we can't gain access to your premises, agree an appointment date or obtain all assistance or information that we require from you); or

    12.1.7. any loss incurred where the failure is due to matters beyond our reasonable control.

    12.2. Except as set out in paragraph 12.3, we'll not pay you more than £10,000 in compensation in any 12 month period.

    12.3. Nothing in paragraphs 12.1 or 12.2 limits our responsibilities relating to:

    12.3.1. equipment or digital content (which we are responsible for providing) which is not of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, has been described wrongly or installed incorrectly;

    12.3.2. services which have not been provided with reasonable skill and care;

    12.3.3. injury or death as a result of our negligence;

    12.3.4. not delivering equipment within agreed time periods; or

    12.3.5. our fraud or due to us deliberately breaching our agreement.

    13. Ofcom

    13.1.We will comply with all relevant Ofcom General Conditions and Voluntary Codes of Practice where we are a signatory to that particular code.

    14. Complaints

    14.1. We want to resolve any complaints you might have. How we'll do this is set out in our Code of Practice and Complaints Code of Practice.

    15. Your right to end our agreement

    15.1. If you want to end our agreement, unless you're inside the cancellation period set out in paragraph 9, you'll need to give us 14 days' notice. We'll continue to provide the services and you'll need to pay for all charges during this period.

    15.2. If someone else requests that we end our agreement (for example a provider you're transferring to) we'll accept that notice but will email you, asking you to confirm that this is what you want. If we don't hear from you within 10 working days we'll stop providing your service.

    15.3. If you cancel your Direct Debit without contacting us to arrange payment by alternative means, we may assume you want to end our agreement.

    15.4. If you choose to end our agreement for any service within the minimum term (except where you're inside the cancellation period set out at paragraph 9 or we make a change as set out at paragraph 18 (other than where we make a change as set out in paragraph 18.1.5, paragraphs 18.3 and 18.4 or paragraph 18.09)) you'll have to pay an early termination charge as set out in the Price Guide. Other charges may be due as set in the Price Guide and/or the relevant Service Terms.

    16. Our right to suspend your service or end our agreement

    16.1. We can suspend or stop providing our services and/or end our agreement where:

    16.1.1. our ability to continue to provide the service to you is materially and adversely affected because: (i) any of our telecommunications carrier(s) or supplier(s) ceases to provide services to us; or (ii) any authorisation required by us ends or is changed;

    16.1.2. we reasonably believe that the service is being used, or is intended to be used in a way that does not comply with paragraph 2, 5 or 9.5 of these Standard Terms;

    16.1.3. we reasonably believe you have provided us with false or misleading details about yourself;

    16.1.4. we tell you that your use of the service is causing problems for other users, and you carry on using the service in the same way;

    16.1.5. we reasonably believe that you have used the service or the equipment for illegal purposes;

    16.1.6. we receive a serious complaint about your use of the service which we believe to be genuine (for example you're using any service in breach of our Acceptable Use Policy)

    16.1.7. in the event of your bankruptcy or death;

    16.1.8. we are required to by the emergency services or other government authority;

    16.1.9. you repeatedly request your bank to chargeback payments that you're not disputing; or

    16.1.10. we are no longer providing the service to customers.

    16.2. We'll normally give you 14 days' prior notice before suspending or stopping providing our services (and/or ending our agreement) and work to resolve any issues with you. However, we may not do this if there is a real risk of loss or harm to us or our other customers (for example, where there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud or other abuse).

    16.3. If we suspended the services we may charge a line restriction fee as set out in the Price Guide.

    16.4 We can terminate our services and/or end our agreement at any time by giving you 28 days' notice.

    16.5. Unless the reason we end our agreement is because we are we are no longer providing the service to customers as set out in paragraph 16.1.10 and you're within the minimum term you'll have to pay an early termination charge as set out in the Price Guide.

    17. After the agreement ends

    17.1. If either of us end our agreement:

    17.1.1. if you have paid any charges in advance we'll refund you for any services not used, but we'll first take off any money you owe us under our agreement(s). For security or compliance reasons we may not hold your payment details after our agreement has ended so you agree that we may make these refunds by cheque; and

    17.1.2. any features or services that are provided for free with or as part of the service(s) will end on the same day as our agreement ends. You may continue to keep certain features or services if you agree to pay any relevant charges set out in the Price Guide or as otherwise agreed with us.

    17.2. If you end a service and fail to return the Hub/router you will be charged. This charge may be added to your bill or charged to a credit/debit card you have provided us details of. Payment of the charge does not transfer ownership to you, as the Hub/router belongs to us at all times.

    18. Changing these terms, prices or our services

    18.1. We may change the price, or other charges, the service or the terms of our agreement:

    18.1.1. if we materially change the service, or introduce new services, features or benefits (for example if we increase the maximum upload speed for your broadband service);

    18.1.2. if we change the way we structure our services and the price we charge for those services;

    18.1.3. if the cost to us of providing your services, or running our business increases (for example if the businesses we buy services or products from increase their prices);

    18.1.4. to reflect changes in technology (for example if we develop new systems which provide you with a better service);

    18.1.5. if there is a change in the law, regulation or regulatory guidance applicable to us (for example if there is a VAT increase);

    18.1.6. to make the terms of our agreement clearer or easier to understand; or

    18.1.7. due to any other change in circumstances in the future, that we can't predict, which means a change is necessary.

    18.2. Your prices will automatically increase as set out in paragraphs 18.3, 18.4 and 18.9.

    18.3. Subject to paragraph 18.5, a percentage price increase will be applied to the price of broadband, line rental, call plans and call charges. This price increase will be applied on or after 1st March each year from March 2022, and will be equal to a percentage comprising of i) the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate figure published by the Office for National Statistics in January of that year (ignoring any negative figure) plus ii) 3.9%, and rounded up to the nearest whole pence. If the CPI figure is negative, the price increase will only be 3.9%.

    18.4. Where you purchase more than one service from us and these are subject to the price increases set out in paragraph 18.3 the amount of the increase is calculated on each service separately. If you receive a discount on your price, the price increase set out in paragraphs 18.3 and 18.9 will be applied to the discounted price.

    18.5. If you were previously on a fixed price contract, from the end of your minimum term:

    18.5.1 if your fixed price contract minimum term ends before 30th June 2021 your broadband and/or line rental monthly price will increase to the out of contract price set out in our Price Guide at that time; or

    18.5.2 if your fixed price contract minimum term ends on or after 30th June 2021 your broadband and/or line rental monthly price and the price of any call plan you may have will increase to the out of contract price set out in our Price Guide at that time.

    From the end of your minimum term, paragraph 18.3 and 18.9 will also apply.

    18.6. If we make changes we'll tell you at least 30 days in advance by email or post of the changes happening, except where:

    18.6.1 we change your price as set out in paragraph 18.3 and 18.4; or

    18.6.2 the change is for legal or regulatory reasons as set out in paragraphs 18.1.5; but is of a purely administrative nature and has no negative effect on you, or is directly imposed by law; or

    18.6.3 it's a change to an additional service that is not part of a package or an add-on and which  that does not cause you any material disadvantage,

    but we'll still let you know about the change (for example by updating this page, or publishing details on our website).

    18.7. After the 14-day cancellation period you can cancel our agreement at any time by giving us notice as set out at clause 15. Other than where we make a change as set out in paragraph 18.1.5, paragraph 18.3, paragraph 18.4 or paragraph 18.9, if you’re within the minimum term you will have to pay an early termination charge as set out in the Price Guide for leaving early unless:

    18.7.1 We’ve increased the price of your core service; or

    18.7.2 We’ve changed the terms of this agreement, or the price of or an additional service that is part of a package, in a way that is not exclusively to your benefit (although you must still pay a fee for leaving if the change was for a reason set out in paragraph 18.1.5); or

    18.7.3 We’ve changed the service in a way that is materially disadvantageous to you; or 

    18.7.4 You have a right to cancel a linked agreement (an agreement for other services and the service in this agreement cannot be provided because you cancel that other agreement) because of a change that we have made to that agreement; or

    18.7.5 The changes set out in paragraph 18.1 (excluding 18.1.5) are materially disadvantageous to you; or

    18.7.6 We break a significant condition of this agreement.

    18.8 You will not have a right to end the service without having to pay any early termination charge if:

    18.8.1 The change we make only applies to either an add-on or an additional service not part of a package, with a minimum term of no more than 30 days; or

    18.8.2 The change falls within clause 18.1.5 but is of a purely administrative nature and has no negative effect on you, or is directly imposed by law. 

    18.9. Where one or more of our international partners increases the cost of calling from the UK to another country (an international call) we will increase the price you pay for international calls by the same amount. We will provide written notice to active users of international calling services that are changing. Any change to charges under this point 18.9 will not give you the right to cancel this agreement without paying a cancellation charge, unless it is material disadvantageous to you and you give us notice to cancel this agreement before the change takes effect. We will not increase international calling charges in this way more than once in any month.

    19. Other things we need to tell you

    19.1. Dealing with this agreement: You accept that our agreement is just between you and us, no one else can enforce it and you can transfer it only with our consent. However, we may take instructions from a person acting with your permission. We can transfer our agreement to another company provided this does not adversely affect your rights under the agreement.

    19.2. Communicating with us: If you wish to give us notice, you must do so by either:

    19.2.1. phoning our customer service team; or

    19.2.2. writing to Plusnet Plc, Endeavour, Sheffield Digital Campus, 1a Concourse Way, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S1 2BJ.

    19.3. Communicating with you: We'll give notice to you via our website, by email or by post to the address where we provide the service. It's your responsibility to ensure we have an up to date email address. Any notice given via a website update or by email shall be deemed to be received on the day of transmission. Postal notices will be deemed to be received two working days after being sent.

    19.4. Unenforceable terms: Each of the paragraphs and sub-paragraphs of our agreement operate separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining paragraphs and sub-paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.

    19.5. Delays: If we delay in taking any steps under our agreement against you in respect of you breaking our agreement, that doesn't prevent us taking steps against you at a later date.

    19.6. After our agreement: Paragraphs 6 (If you fail to pay), 9 (Cancellation period), 12 (Our responsibility to you), 14 (Complaints), 17 (After the agreement ends) and 19 (Other things we need to tell you) apply even if our agreement has ended.

    19.7. Laws and courts that apply: English law applies to our agreement and claims between us will be brought in the English courts (unless you're a resident of Northern Ireland or Scotland when you may also bring proceedings in the appropriate local courts).

    1. When these terms apply

    1.1. Our broadband service is at the heart of everything we provide (what we call our core service) but we provide other services to allow you to enjoy and use the core service to its full potential (we call these our additional services).

    1.2. As some of our additional services are:

    1.2.1. dependent on the core service and you agreeing to a new minimum term for the core service to receive the additional service; or

    1.2.2. provided for a single monthly charge covering both the additional and core services (usually at a discount compared to the total price of the same services taken individually),

    we provide them under one agreement, subject to these terms as a package (what we call a package contract).

    1.3. Not all services can be taken as part of a package. Any other services we provide that are not part of your package will be provided under a separate agreement and are subject to the relevant Service Terms, the Standard Terms, any Offer Terms and the Price Guide (we call these add-ons).

    2. What other terms apply

    2.1. The relevant Service Terms for services you take will still apply, as do the Standard Terms, any Offer Terms and the Price Guide.

    3. Your package

    3.1. These terms shall apply to set out:

    3.1.1. what packages we provide;

    3.1.2. what services depend on you receiving another service from us; and

    3.1.3. what will happen if you stop receiving one of the services that form part of your package.

    3.2. The below table summarises how these requirements apply to our current packages but please read all these terms as well.

    All about our packages
    Package Core Service Adding the Additional Service or Add-on Consequences of Ending the Core Service Consequences of ending the Additional Service Consequences of Ending the Add-on
    1 Broadband / Fibre / Full Fibre (Core Service) + Line Rental (Additional Service) + Call Package (Add-on) You need to take the Core Service from us to receive the Additional Service. The cost of the Core Service may be reduced based on you taking the Additional Service. We cannot provide the Add-on if you don't take the Additional Service from us. If you take the Additional Service then you must take a new minimum term that applies to the Core Service and the Additional Service. You can change or add the Add-on at any time without entering to a new minimum term.  Early termination charges as set out in the Price Guide will apply unless you have the right to cancel as set out in paragraph 18.8. We'll continue to provide the Additional Service and Add-on on the same terms as before.  Early termination charges as set out in the Price Guide will apply unless you have the right to cancel as set out in paragraph 18.8. The price for the Core Service shall increase to our current price to receive the Core Service without taking the Additional Service. Note: you still need to pay line rental to another BT based landline provider to get our Core Service.  We'll continue to provide the Core Service and Additional Service on the same terms as before but calls will be charged at our standard rates as set out in the Price Guide
    2 Broadband / Fibre / Full fibre (Core Service) + Plusnet Protect or Plusnet SafeGuard (each an Add-on) We cannot provide the Add-on if you don't take the Core Service from us. You can take the Add-on at any time without making any change to your Core Service terms or renewing the minimum term. Early termination charges as set out in the Price Guide will apply unless you have the right to cancel as set out in paragraph 18.8. The Core Service and Add-on will no longer be provided. n/a You must keep the Add-on for at least 30 days thereafter you can cancel it without charge as set out in the relevant Service Terms. We'll continue to provide the Core Service on the same terms as before.

    You should also look at paragraph 18.8 of the Standard Terms which sets out what happens to the elements of your package if we make a change.

    4. Eligibility

    4.1. In addition to the eligibility criteria set out in the table at paragraph 3.2 or provided during sign up, all packages are subject to availability and we don't guarantee that all packages can be taken by all customers. We cannot provide residential packages or services where you take a business service from us or have a phone line with another provider that is classified for business use.

    5. Our right to stop providing the package

    5.1. If you don't comply with our agreement then we have the same rights as set out in paragraph 16 of the Standard Terms to suspend or terminate your whole package.

    6. When the minimum term starts

    6.1. The minimum term for your package starts from the date your first service is up and running.

    6.2. We might not be able to provide all the services in your package at the same time, but we'll tell you when each service is up and running and you'll then be able to use that service straight away.

    7. Cancellation period

    7.1. You have a cancellation period to cancel the services or equipment in your package (see paragraph 9 of the Standard Terms).

    8. Paying for your package

    8.1. The monthly prices for the services in your package are detailed in the Price Guide. We won't charge you the total monthly package price until the day that all the services in your package are ready to use.

    8.2. You'll be charged a pro rata amount for each service in your package that is ready to use from the date each service is up and running.

    9. Changing your package

    9.1. In addition to changes set out in the table at paragraph 3.2, if you:

    9.1.1. upgrade any of the services in your package;

    9.1.2. move to a new package as part of a promotion or special offer; and/or

    9.1.3. request a new router or set top box,

    you may have to start a new package contract covering all services with a new minimum term and with potentially different terms (for example the price you pay for each element of your package may vary).

    9.2. If you ask us to remove services from your package, and your remaining services are unavailable as part of a package, you'll have to take each remaining service on a new standalone contract.

    10. Moving home

    10.1. If you move home, the moving home sections of the applicable Service Terms shall apply and if we can't provide all the services at your new address, the remaining services must be taken on a new package contract (with a new minimum term). If the remaining services can't be taken as a package, they must be taken on standalone contracts (with new minimum terms).

    11. Ending your package contract

    11.1. If you end your entire package contract during the minimum term you'll have to pay the early termination charges for the relevant services within your package, as set out in the Price Guide, unless you have the right to cancel due to changes we have made as set out at paragraph 18.8 of the Standard Terms.

    11.2. If you move any of your services to another provider but carry on taking other services in your package from us, we'll end your package contract. Where we can continue to provide remaining service we'll do so but you'll have to take the remaining services on a new package contract covering those services or if they cannot be taken as a package on new standalone contracts.

    11.3. The consequences of terminating certain services within your package are summarised in the table at paragraph 3.2

    These terms apply where you take either broadband (such as ADSL), Fibre or Full Fibre (know as Fibre To The Premise) broadband services (both of which we call the service unless we are referring to the Fibre, Full Fibre or broadband service specifically).

    1. What we provide

    1.1. We'll provide you with access to the Internet, helpdesk services, and any other equipment, applications and features as described at

    2. What you need

    2.1. To get the services you need:

    2.1.1. a compatible phone or broadband line to your property (as we cannot provide our service if your phone provider uses their own network and, even if the provider uses BT's network like us, we may still not be able to provide the service for example if they have their own equipment in your local exchange) for the broadband and fibre broadband services only (excluding full fibre);

    2.1.2. some compatible equipment (for example a router). However, we'll normally provide this;

    2.1.3. to be in a fibre enabled area (we can do a preliminary check if you provide your postcode to us) if you want to take our fibre broadband service or to be in a full fibre enabled area (we can do a preliminary check if you provide your postcode to us) if you want to take our full fibre broadband service; and

    2.1.4. to be able to connect to our services via a wired (Ethernet) connection so we can help fix any faults you may have.

    3. Installation

    3.1. You may have to install some equipment at your home. This will normally involve following the user guides we provide to you.

    3.2. A set up charge as set out in the Price Guide may apply and if you request an engineer to visit where it isn't necessary, we may also charge you for this as set out in the Price Guide.

    3.3. If you take our fibre broadband service it may be necessary for an engineer to perform some installation works away from your home (for example at the green cabinet in the street) which may mean your phone line and existing broadband will be disconnected for a short period.

    3.4. If you take our full fibre broadband service it may be necessary for an engineer to perform some installation works away from your home which may mean your phone line and existing broadband will be disconnected for a short period.

    4. Quality of service

    4.1. We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service, but we can't be responsible for:

    4.1.1. slow speeds due to external factors (except as set out in paragraph 5 of our Standard Terms);

    4.1.2. loss of service due to circumstances beyond our control, where we've taken reasonable steps to prevent this; or

    4.1.3. ensuring equipment we provide allows you to get a wireless signal everywhere within your home or delivers the speeds possible over a wired connection wirelessly.

    4.2. So that your services are stable and operate efficiently, we may take action to manage the network's performance during periods where there is a high demand and prioritise particular types of Internet traffic.

    5. Speed

    5.1.  10 days after your service is up and running you're always getting broadband (references to ‘broadband’ in this section 5 includes broadband, fibre and full fibre services) speeds lower than the estimated speed range we provided when you signed up, we'll try to improve its speed.

    5.2. If, after following our instructions to improve the your broadband speed, where:-

    5.2.1 you signed up, changed your product or moved house since 1 March 2019, and your speed is still regularly lower that the "Minimum Guaranteed Speed" we provided to you; or

    5.2.2 you signed up, changed your product or moved house between 29th May 2017 and 28 February 2019, and your line speed is still regularly lower than the last "Minimum Guaranteed Access Line Speed" provided to you; or

    5.2.3 you signed up before 29th May 2017, and have not changed your product or moved house since then, or you last changed your product or moved house before 29th May 2017, and your speed is still significantly lower than the last estimated speed range we provided to you,

    5.3. you'll be entitled to end our agreement for the service without paying early termination charges if the fault can't be resolved within at least 30 days. However, we'll not refund you for your use of our service during the period between the date we got you up and running and you ending our agreement.

    5.4. This right is in addition to any other legal rights you may have.

    6. When the service and the minimum term starts

    6.1. It may take us a while to install or transfer your service, but we'll do this as soon as reasonably possible and we'll aim to keep you updated on when we estimate this will happen.

    6.2. Your minimum term starts on the day your service is up and running or your transfer from another provider has completed (we'll normally send you an email to confirm this).

    7. Cancellation period

    7.1. The service benefits from the cancellation period as set out in paragraph 9 of our Standard Terms.

    8. Changing your service

    8.1. If you change from one service to another (for example, from fibre to full fibre, or from broadband to fibre), you'll need to agree to a new minimum term and pay any applicable set-up charges.

    8.2. If you downgrade from our fibre broadband to our broadband service and are still within your minimum term, you'll have to pay early termination charges for ending your agreement with us for your fibre broadband service early.

    8.3 8.3. If you downgrade from our full fibre broadband to our fibre broadband service or broadband service and are still within your minimum term, you'll have to pay early termination charges for ending your agreement with us for your full fibre broadband service early.

    8.4. You can change from one of our full fibre broadband services to another, or you can change from one of our fibre broadband services to another, or you can change from one of our broadband services to another, at any time. We may apply a new minimum term or we might let you carry over any minimum term you've got left on your current agreement. We'll tell you at the time you agree to the change. Charges will be payable for the new service as set out in the Price Guide.

    9. Moving home

    9.1. If you want to move your broadband, fibre broadband or Full Fibre broadband service during your minimum term you may have to pay a home move fee as set out in the Price Guide or enter a new agreement with us with a new minimum term.

    9.2. If you have fibre broadband, but we can't provide it at your new home, you can move to our broadband service without penalty.

    9.3. If you have full fibre broadband, but we can't provide it at your new home, you can move to our broadband or fibre broadband service without penalty if it is available in the area.

    9.4. If we can't provide your current service(s) to your new UK address, you won't have to pay a fee to end your agreement early.

    9.5. Other home move charges (such as fees for installing a new line) may also apply as set out in the Price Guide.

    10. Ending your agreement

    10.1. If you choose to end our agreement within the minimum term you’ll pay early termination charges as set out in the Price Guide, unless you are inside the cancellation period set out in paragraph 9 of the Standard Terms or we make a change that gives you the right to cancel as set out at paragraph 18.8 of the Standard Terms.

    These terms apply where you take home phone and cover line rental, call plans, call features, and Line Rental Saver. Our Full Fibre and broadband only products do not come with a home phone option and these terms do not apply to Full Fibre or broadband only customers.

    1. What we provide

    1.1. We'll provide you with:

    1.1.1. the facility to make and/or receive phone calls. This includes the ability to contact the emergency services for free by dialling 999 or 112. When you call the emergency services, they may be able to see your approximate location;

    1.1.2. any additional call features included with your order; and

    1.1.3. an ex-directory phone number for the phone line we provide (you can change your directory status by contacting us).

    1.2. We'll try to keep your old phone number but cannot guarantee this. We may also have to change the phone number we provide to you from time to time.

    2. Your use of the service

    2.1. If you take this service but don't pay us for calls (either via usage charges or by taking a call plan), or you use a third party to make calls for some or all of your calls over the line we provide, we may decide to:

    2.1.1. charge you a higher fee for your use of the service;

    2.1.2. end our agreement; and/or

    2.1.3. disconnect all or any part of the service.

    2.2. If you use any inclusive call plan for more than normal everyday use (for example for telemarketing) we may suspend or end our agreement immediately. In addition, we can on 30 days' notice remove your inclusive call plan.

    3. What you need

    3.1. To get the services you need:

    3.1.1. a phone or similar equipment to use our services; and

    3.1.2. to allow us to act on your behalf in all dealings with BT or any other third parties in connection with the service (some personal data and other relevant information may be passed to these parties).

    4. Installation

    4.1. We'll carry out standard installations of phone lines for the appropriate connection charge as out in the Price Guide. These connection charges do not cover extensive new construction works (such as external work). Also for work such as installing or moving a phone socket additional charges as set out in the Price Guide may be payable. However, we'll always aim to advise you of these charges before any work is undertaken.

    5. Quality of the service

    5.1. We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service, but we can't be responsible for any loss of service or faults due to circumstances beyond our control, where we've taken reasonable steps to prevent this.

    5.2. You're entitled to compensation if there's a delay or something goes wrong that's our fault. We will automatically apply this compensation as a credit on your next bill, for more information regarding automatic compensation please visit our auto-compensation page.

    6. When the service and the minimum term starts

    6.1. It may take us a while to install or transfer of your phone line, but we'll do this as soon as reasonably possible and we'll aim to keep you updated on when we estimate this will happen.

    6.2. Your minimum term starts on the day your service is up and running or your transfer from another provider has completed (we'll normally send you an email to confirm this).

    7. Cancellation period

    7.1. The service benefits from the cancellation period as set out in paragraph 9 of the Standard Terms.

    8. Call plans and call features

    8.1. If you want to change your call plan or call features you may request this at any time. For call features, the change will normally happen within 24 hours of the request. For call plans, the change will take effect on your next billing date. This won't affect your minimum term of the service. Charges for the new call plan or call features will be payable as set out in the Price Guide. Charges for call plans and call features are paid monthly in advance. As call features can be changed part way through a billing month, your bill following the change will include a pro-rata charge or refund to account for the change made during your previous billing month.

    9. Line Rental Saver

    9.1. If you paid in advance for line rental (what we call Line Rental Saver) this is non-refundable unless you cancel under paragraph 9 of the Standard Terms (in which case you'll get a full refund of your advance payment).

    9.2. Line Rental Saver includes no calls as standard for customers who took a phone package on or after 8th May 2013 but for customers who took a phone package before 8th May 2013 and have not changed package, the Evenings and Weekends call plan is included as standard.

    10. Moving home

    10.1. If you only have your phone service with us, you can move your service during your minimum term without entering into a new agreement and a home move fee won't be payable. If you have other services (for example broadband) with us you'll have to pay the home moves fee or enter into a new agreement with a new minimum term for your phone service as well.

    10.2. Other home move charges (such as a new line fee) may also apply as set out in the Price Guide.

    11. Ending your agreement

    11.1. If you choose to end our agreement within the minimum term you’ll pay early termination charges as set out in the Price Guide, unless you are inside the cancellation period set out in paragraph 9 of the Standard Terms or we make a change that gives you the right to cancel as set out at paragraph 18.8 of the Standard Terms.

    1. What we provide

    1.1. We'll provide security software that includes and anti-virus protection and a personal firewall.

    2. What you need

    2.1. To get Plusnet Protect you need:

    2.1.1. a device that meets the minimum requirements; and

    2.1.2. to accept the terms of the provided End User License Agreement.

    3. When the service starts

    3.1. Our agreement and the 30 day minimum term starts when you select the Add-On.

    4. Cancellation period

    4.1. Plusnet Protect has to be kept for at least 30 days and the service does not benefit from a cancellation period.

    5. Quality of the service

    5.1. Although we attempt to provide you with the best possible service, we cannot guarantee that Plusnet Protect will block all harmful sites, viruses and similar faults. We'll aim to resolve any reported faults as soon as reasonably possible.

    6. Charges

    6.1. If chargeable, you agree to pay the charges for the service as set out in the Price Guide.

    6.2. Where access to Plusnet Protect is included, this is available for 24 months only. After 24 months the service will end unless you subscribe directly with Norton to continue the service. 

    7. Ending the service

    7.1. After the end of the 30 day minimum term, you may end the service on 14 days' notice.

    1. What we provide

    1.1. We'll provide you with an online tool that manages what type of content is accessible via a broadband, fibre or full fibre connection.

    1.2. Plusnet SafeGuard is available to all current Plusnet broadband, fibre and full fibre broadband customers at no extra cost.

    2. What you need

    2.1. To get Plusnet SafeGuard you need to:

    2.1.1. take broadband, fibre broadband or full fibre broadband from us;

    2.1.2. to use our Domain Name Servers (DNS); and

    2.1.3. agree we can store data on whether you have activated Plusnet SafeGuard, the settings that you have selected and anonymous and aggregated information about the websites that are blocked. We do not record details of your individual Internet activity.

    3. Quality of service

    3.1. We aim to provide a continuous, high-quality service but are not responsible for how particular websites are categorised and can't be responsible for a failure to block content or websites that are incorrectly categorised.

    4. When the service and minimum term starts

    4.1. Our agreement for Plusnet SafeGuard starts on the day your broadband, fibre or full fibre is up and running (we'll normally confirm this by email). There is no minimum term.

    5. Cancellation period

    5.1. The service does not benefit from a cancellation period.

    6. Changes

    6.1. You can cancel or de-activate the service at any time. If you de-activate the service you can re-activate it at any time. See the Plusnet SafeGuard FAQs for more information on how to do this.

    6.2. As Plusnet SafeGuard is a free, optional service we reserve the right to change, cancel or withdraw the service at any time and paragraph 18 of the Standard Terms won't apply. If we make any material changes to Plusnet SafeGuard we'll aim to give you prior notice of the changes and, where necessary, we'll provide you with any instructions that you need to follow once the changes have taken place.

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